Stay “bright” when it comes to solar sales pitches

After months of dreary, cold weather, it’s finally time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine while catching up on projects around the home. But if you’re like some members, those projects might be interrupted by an unexpected knock on the door, with a seemingly-friendly face on the other side.

The visitor’s purpose? To sell you a bright vision of residential solar.

Yes, that’s right: Just about the time your flowers really begin to bloom, solar salespeople will be out in full force around our area.

And while some of them are well-meaning, a few are giving the whole group a not-so-nice reputation. As your trusted source on energy information, we’re here to help, providing some information for members who are interested in solar:

No skin in the (solar) game: When it comes to residential solar sales, Salt River is not involved or partnered with any company that sells residential solar. Over the past several years, we’ve occasionally heard that some solar companies allegedly claim to be affiliated with us. That’s a red flag you should be watching out for.

Do your research: If you’re a homeowner who is looking to get into solar, it’s important to do your research on the companies that have reached out, and what your own goals and motives are for having residential solar. We’re proud to feature a great tool, our Solar 101 booklet, on our website. There, you can walk yourself through the questions you need to be asking yourself, and the salesman.

Weigh your options: Of course, residential solar isn’t for everyone. You might be in an area that doesn’t get much sun, or maybe you don’t have enough space to place your panels. That doesn’t mean solar is out of the question for you. Members interested in solar can check out our Cooperative Solar program, where members can lease panels at our 60-acre solar farm in Winchester. Find more information by going to our website,

Photo by Tim Webb
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