“Who Powers You?” is back!

Know someone who makes your community a better place; someone who is all about helping others?
Then nominate him or her for the third annual Who Powers You contest, sponsored by Salt River Electric and the other members of Kentucky’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives!

The contest, which is entering its third year, is an offshoot of the national competition of the same name, which has the same goal: highlighting and recognizing individuals in our communities who help make a difference.

Last year, David Lilly, an Owen Electric Cooperative member, was the first-place winner. He received the $1,000 grand prize. Lilly is the chairman of Meeting the Needs Ministry, an Owenton organization that collects items such as food, hygiene products and other commodities for local families and individuals in need.

“The ultimate goal of the program is to make sure nobody goes hungry,” Lilly says.
Lilly also takes part in other local organizations, including the Gideons, the Jaycees, Rotary Club, search and rescue teams, and more.

Other finalists included Pamela Lewis, a Grayson RECC member who finished second, and Anthony Thompson, a Taylor County RECC member who placed third. Salt River Electric had several nominations submitted for the contest.

So, do you know someone whose mission of helping their community should be recognized? Head on over to the office contest website, WhoPowersYouKY.com. There, you’ll be asked to fill out some important information about the nominee. Just remember, the nominee must be a member of a participating cooperative to be eligible. If you are just nominating someone, you do not have to be a co-op member.

Nominations can be made throughout the entire month of October. The last day for nominations is Oct. 31. Winners will be announced in mid-November, so make sure to follow us on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) to keep up to date on the contest.

Help us share word of the contest by using the hashtag #WhoPowersYou on social media and let others know you recognize those making a difference. It’s Salt River Electric’s way of helping to make life in our communities even better!

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